The Show

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I guess I missed Act One
When you were just you
Nothing taken, broken or lost
A soul fresh, the plot new

Maybe I slept through Act Two
You were learning to love
Heart finding meaning
In the life you dreamt of

Act Three when the action was destined to start
But I wasn't there for the main event
Saw naught of the forming of deep regrets
Nor the sins you'll forever wish to repent

Act Four, your recovery, or so it should be
The healing of scar and of wound
But I arrive very late
I'm sure I'll catch up real soon

Act Five, resolution and new life ahead
Tainted by tastes of the past
A smile to the crowd as you find centre stage
But it's a smile that faded too fast

So what of the life you're trying to share
Act Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and maybe Ten?
Are you done with this stage show, an extra at best
No more performance, carreer at an end?

Can I work out the act that I'm performing right now
Sometimes it feels that I'm almost at Three
If your show is all over, and the curtain now down
I guess there is no performance with me?